What would we do without pasta, seriously? It’s a fresh recipe that doesn’t require technique. It’s just good! Capers, peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, basil, and lemon juice, add at the last minute, gives this pasta dish a whole new dimension. It is at the same time hot, cold, crunchy, melty, tangy, sweet, and spicy. In short, it's an explosion in the mouth.
1 can of sardines
1/2 white onion
Fresh basil
Spicy oil
red chili pepper
1 clove garlic
1/2 yellow lemon
Tomato concentrate
Sun-dried tomatoes
Fry the chopped white onion and garlic clove cut in half in olive, spicy or the sardines' oil. It is as you like, but I advise you to use the sardine oil for more flavors.
Start cooking the pasta.
When the onions have colored well, add the tomato concentrate and dilute with the pasta water. (This phenomenon is called the "mantecatura" and allows to bind the sauce thanks to the starch present in the pasta water).
Add some of the sardines, sun-dried tomatoes, and chilies to the pan.
When the pasta is "Al dente" (baking the dough which means it must be slightly crunchy "under the tooth" if translated literally), keep a little water from the pasta to repeat the "mantecatura" and add the pasta to the pan with a bottom of this water kept.
Reduce the sauce and have a nice consistency.
When the pasta is ready, add the fresh capers, chilies, sun-dried tomatoes, sardines, fresh basil, coarse salt, pepper, and a dash of lemon juice.
Stand up aesthetically and feast!